How A Chiropractor Can Help Ease Migraines


Chiropractors are probably the last thing you think about when you are feeling migraine headaches. However, a chiropractor can help to alleviate your migraine headaches. If you have tried to no avail to quickly relieve your migraine headaches, visiting a chiropractor may be just what you need to help manage your pain. Take a look at the major benefits you will receive by visiting a chiropractor for your migraine headaches.

A Consultation

One of the first things you will need to do is get a consultation. During the consultation, your chiropractor will do a physical exam and they will ask you about your medical history. You may have to undergo specific testing. For example, your chiropractor will test you for spinal misalignment and check your spinal disc.

Chiropractic Massage

A chiropractic massage is one of the treatments that your chiropractor can give you. This massage will target parts of your neck, shoulder, back, and head. This massage is very effective because people who suffer from migraine headaches often have pain in the targeted areas. Massaging these areas can help to reduce migraine pain significantly.


Learning how to relax when you have a migraine attack is essential for helping to alleviate your pain as quickly as possible. If you are undergoing high stress levels this can cause muscles in your neck and shoulders to be tense and this can lead to a migraine headache. Your chiropractor will not only give you massage therapy, but they will also show you how to exercise to help relieve your pain.

Spinal Manipulations

Another technique that your chiropractor will use to help relieve migraine headaches is spinal manipulation. Your chiropractor will apply a gentle but firm force to specific areas of your spine. They will either use their hands or a machine to do this. This alignment often helps relieve migraine headaches.

Your Posture

You may not realize how much your posture can impact whether or not you have migraine headaches. Not practicing proper posture can be a trigger for a migraine attack. If you have to sit for a long period or stand while working for hours at a time, you need to make sure that you are using the correct posture. If you work at a desk, make sure that you have a good chair that will support your spine.

Visiting a chiropractor may be one of the best moves you can make to help control your migraine pain. Be sure to share all your medical histories and symptoms with your chiropractor so that they can develop a personalized treatment plan for you. For more information on migraine pain treatment, contact a chiropractor near you.


6 October 2022

Benefits Of Regular Chiropractor Visits For School-Age Children

Children are energetic and busy little people, and it is important that health needs are carefully monitored as they grow. That is where regular visits to a chiropractor are beneficial. A visit to a chiropractor helps your child's health in many ways. From checking spine growth, correcting posture, minimising sports injuries and treating back pain caused by sitting at the school desk, these are all subjects discussed within these blog posts as they are all areas where a chiropractor helps your family. Just like taking your child to their doctor and dentist, an annual visit with a chiropractor helps your child to grow up stronger with less growing pains.